January brings the start of a new year… 2023! It is the time to look ahead at the upcoming year, set your goals and consider if there anything you want to change. But also, January closes off 2022 and the year behind you. Therefore, it also brings a chance to reflect on last year, and everything you achieved. Journalling is a great way to do this – putting your thoughts down on paper can help bring clarity to the direction you are heading.
So, we have put together a list of journalling prompt ideas to help you start you new year in the right way, achieve a higher level of self-awareness, and smash those goals this year!
All you need is a pen, paper, and a comfortable place to sit, and you can start reflecting on 2022 and looking towards 2023.
Will 2023 be your year?
Prompts to help you to reflect on 2022:
➢ 3 lessons that 2022 taught me are…
➢ My favourite memory of 2022 was…
➢ Who inspired me the most?
➢ My proudest achievement…
➢ What can I do today that a year ago I didn’t think would be possible?
➢ Something that challenged me in 2022…
➢ My favourite day last year was…
Prompts to look ahead to 2023:
➢ 3 things I am looking forward to this year are…
➢ Something that I want to stop doing is…
➢ My new year’s resolution is…
➢ If I could accomplish one thing by this time next year it would be…
➢ I want to do more of…
➢ I want to spend less time…
➢ I am grateful for these 3 things going into this year….
These prompts will help to reflect on 2022 and look ahead towards this coming year. Below are some prompts that you should spend about 5 minutes on each of them, diving in as deep as possible into your reflection!
Longer Question Prompts:
1. Describe your perfect day. What do you do as soon as you wake up in the morning? How does your day look? What do you spend your day doing?
2. Describe your dream life. Where do you live? What do you do for a living? Who do you wake up next to every morning? Do you have any pets? What car do you have? What does your house look like? Get creative
3. What are your biggest aspirations for this year and why? What would you be proud of next year if you’d achieved it? Dive into the details and reflect on how you think you’ll get there!
4. Think about the past year and reflect on what you would change, and what would choose to keep the same? Make a list of all of the things that you would change – and why? What can you do to make sure that you make the changes?